P.S. RDP_OPTIONS:-"-f -u ''" for xfreerdp must be "/f /u:" too.

Best regards,


Not really... Then there are option RDP_SERVER in lts.conf the script
generates command such as this for example:

xfreerdp /f /sec:rdp /rfx +fonts /cert-ignore /sound:sys:pulse

and there all stuff "/f /sec:rdp /rfx +fonts /cert-ignore
/sound:sys:pulse /smartcard" is from RDP_OPTIONS, but is

Even if RDP_SERVER is not set, it is generated from, "server", but this
makes new xfreerdp mad, because it needs /v: as a param,
and users get "black screen" with mouse pointer in it.

Best regards,


2016.03.24 12:50, Alkis Georgopoulos rašė:
> The idea is that the xfreerdp script doesn't contain any parameters at
> all, and you provide them via the
>     SCREEN_07="xfreerdp <params>" lts.conf directive, or the
>     SCREEN_07="rdesktop <params>" directive,
> so as long as it doesn't enforce any parameters, why are two separate
> scripts needed?
> The only hardcoded option in that script is
>    RDP_OPTIONS=${RDP_OPTIONS:-"-f -u ''"}
> ...which is only there for compatibility with older LTSP versions, and
> can surely be replaced or completely omitted in lts.conf.

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