I forgot to update this, I also installed the latest stable kfreebsd vm shortly after posting my last kfreebsd comment, just to check the overall inxi kfreebsd handling (I found one glitch that I fixed, failure to blacklist /sys from the partition list, for some reason kfreebsd shows /sys instead of sysfs in df -hT, so inxi failed to filter that out. This is fixed in 2.2.36 just fyi), though I think mine was only 9.x, I couldn't get the current dailies to install, but it doesn't really matter since all KfreeBSD OS/distro data comes from uname, not a file. I think it was wheezy that installed, jessie did not install for me.

Well, all BSD OS id comes from uname, but KfreeBSD is the only one relevant for 
Debian packaging.

So that wouldn't change with subsequent releases.

The other issue isn't relevant particularly, because there's a user file in place probably that has been modified, or there's another release/version file in /etc that is not related to the distro version that contains a very long string of data.

Without knowing what that specific file is in the bug reporter's system, which is going to be specific to his system alone I believe, the issue can't be whitelisted, and it wouldn't be if it was a case of a user edit of one of those files. If it's a user edit, then in fact, all this is is a confirmation that inxi is working exactly as intended, suppressing clearly bad data in its output, which is by design.

Unless the reporter posts the required data, I'd close this issue because it's just basically a statement that inxi is working exactly as intended in all areas.


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