On 26 March 2016 at 06:21, Anton Zinoviev <an...@lml.bas.bg> wrote:
> On Sat, Mar 26, 2016 at 12:53:45AM -0300, Felipe Sateler wrote:
>> The cached scripts rely on the compiled keyboard maps to be present in
>> /tmp (presumably by having being saved by setupcon -k).
> Hm, this is totaly unexpected.  Normally the cached scripts rely on
> compiled keyboard maps in /etc.
> The only reason I can see the cached scripts rely on maps in /tmp is
> that /etc/ was read-only when `setupcon --save-only` was executed by
> /etc/init.d/console-setup.sh or `dpkg-reconfigure`.
> The cached scripts should never rely on files in /tmp and this is a bug
> I will have to fix somehow.  However, an important question we have to
> investigate here is this: why in your system the cached scripts rely on
> files in /tmp.

Interesting. Indeed, re-running console-setup.sh (after boot)
generates a new cached_setup_keyboard script that uses a file in /etc.
Even more, I cannot reproduce the original problem, and cannot find in
the code how did this happen in the first place (after all, the script
should not have been written to /etc either!)

But, maybe setupcon should force remove the cached script if it
contains references to /tmp (or better yet, the script does not match


Felipe Sateler

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