Hello Paul, thank you for the fast reply!

Paul Wise a écrit :
> >  This package has been part of Debian woody, and removed in
> >  year 2009 due to lack of maintenance, see
> >  https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=515284
> Please note the additional steps needed when reintroducing packages:
> https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/pkgs.html#reintroducing-pkgs

additional steps are:

- check why the package was removed: Done. 

  The package was removed due to a lack of maintenance, it was based on
  gtk1-2 libraries, and had not been ported to gtk2. Now Jean-Pierre
  Demailly has done the port, made a few improvements, and made the
  package easier for his wife's needs.

- contact previous people maintaining the package: Done.

  Jean-Pierre Demailly has exchanged some e-mails with Barry deFreese,
  they agree about reviving the package. I had debianized that package
  in 1999, long before I became a DD; so this package was not unknown
  to me.

- I updated the files under debian/ to use current standards (which
  simplify a lot the packaging task), and exchanged a few e-mails with
  Jean-Pierre Demailly to simplify the upstream source also: as debian
  rules use dh_autoreconf, many files could be removed.

So I believe that geg is worth a small package. This application is
quite modest, but it value/footprint ratio is great, IMHO.

Best regards,                   Georges.

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