Package: fontconfig
Version: 2.11.0-6.4
Version: 2.11.0-6.3

Fontconfig <= 2.11.1 uses a segmented approach to map font weights. This
breaks on fonts like Noto Sans CJK, where Demilight (OS/2 weight=350)
and Regular (OS/2 weight=400) are both treated as Regular (FC
weight=80). So if you install the `noto-cjk` package, you will get Noto
Sans CJK SC Demilight in front of Regular when running `fc-match -a
'Noto Sans CJK SC:weight=regular`.

This bug is fixed upstream in Aug 2014 (FD.o #81453) but is only
available in >= 2.11.91, part of 2.12.x development snapshots.
Fortunately, it seems that the commits that fixes this particular issue
can be identified:

        3cd573f -- Some FcRange things that the actual fix depends on
        be6506c -- The fix
        bf9df5a ^^
        ffda7c0 ^^
        01bb697 -- Fix for a bug introduced by ffda7c0
        80edacc ^^

gunnarhj at Ubuntu (LP #1556457) has successfully cherry-picked the
commits to 2.11.1 and built a package in
<>, and
you should be able to see if it works in LP #1468027 soon (that's where
the issue got re-identified.) I am not sure if any extra cherry-picking
is needed for 2.11.0 though.

Just in case that some third-party APT source maintainers may be
curious, there is also a working 2.11.94 build at
<>. Arch
Linux's reaction to the same problem (Arch #48550), as usual, is to
upgrade to 2.11.94 after some days of observation in [extra-testing].
(Oh, fontconfig-infinality got upgraded following ArchLinux..)

Fedora has (not surprisingly) already been following the 2.12 snapshots
for a while; Gentoo has 2.11.9x in testing already, and I am having some
technical problems opening openSUSE's package info site -- it seems that
I have done as much of fix-forwarding for this bug as possible. (Or
perhaps I can tell my Gentoo-using friends who are using Noto CJK to
emerge the new version after this bug report...)

I only checked the debian/patches dir to make sure that Debian doesn't
have anything that looks like a fix for this bug in its fontconfig
packages. This bug still needs to be confirmed by someone else.



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