Dear maintainer:

As the new version didn't fix this bug, I looked to the code and I find the problem (at least for me, but I really don't know how this error has been hidden just now. Maybe the old libusb masked the error in the code?).

The problem is in protocol.c

In the code:

case Tag_Appl_Prot_Id:
memset(datatypes,0,size * sizeof(uint16));
for ( j = i+1;[3*j] == Tag_Data_Type_Id; j++ ) {
datatypes[j-i-1] = get_uint16( + 3*j + 1);

The outing condition for the FOR loop throws the segmentation because didn't check the limit of j.

I fixed it checking first the counter 'j' and adjust it to the limit of the data.

case Tag_Appl_Prot_Id:
memset(datatypes,0,size * sizeof(uint16));
for ( j = i+1; (j<=size) && ([3*j] == Tag_Data_Type_Id); j++ ) {
datatypes[j-i-1] = get_uint16( + 3*j + 1);

I attach the patch file that fix this bug.

This is my first time I send a patch, so maybe it doesn't correct. If you need more information or anything else feel free to ask.

commit da9c57e496f5b88d875329e57fb7d47b3b5e84a9
Author: Fenix <fenix@calisto>
Date:   Wed Apr 6 00:25:15 2016 +0200

    Fix #816314 error Segmentation Fault

diff --git a/src/protocol.c b/src/protocol.c
index 37f66b4..a0c0b36 100644
--- a/src/protocol.c
+++ b/src/protocol.c
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ garmin_read_a000_a001 ( garmin_unit * garmin )
 	case Tag_Appl_Prot_Id:
 	  memset(datatypes,0,size * sizeof(uint16));
-	  for ( j = i+1;[3*j] == Tag_Data_Type_Id; j++ ) {
+	  for ( j = i+1; (j<=size) && ([3*j] == Tag_Data_Type_Id); j++ ) {
 	    datatypes[j-i-1] = get_uint16( + 3*j + 1);

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