On Thu, Apr 07, 2016 at 04:08:57PM -0400, anarcat wrote:
> I think this patch is a great idea!
> Unfortunately, there is no obvious way to file a bug from the URL used:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=xscreensaver;dist=unstable
> (that is the target of the redirection.)

I thought about this as well. Indeed, bugs.debian.org redirects to

The dist=unstable query in that URL could limit the result set, but
currently that is not the case. Currently, all the bugs shown on:


are all present in the dist=unstable bug report, probably because they
were already reported against the version now in Jessie when it was
still in unstable. See bug #767019 for example. It is solved in current
unstable and testing, but not in stable. Still, it is shown on
bugs.debian.org/xscreensaver (dist=unstable), I guess because it did
apply to unstable at the time that particular version was in unstable.

However, I can imagine this might not work for bugs discovered after
the release of stable and also tagged as applying only to stable. This
could probably be solved by retroactively tagging it as applying to the
version as it once was in unstable as well.

> We are doing a poor job at helping people file bugs, generally. I
> usually point people to:
> https://www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting
> but that's a little horrible as well...

bugs.debian.org/xscreensaver links to www.debian.org/Bugs/Reporting as
well ("If you find a bug not listed here, please report it.").

I think it's best if people first land on a page listing the existing
bug reports, before they file a new one.

> Not sure what the best fix is here, but pointing people to
> bugs.d.o/xscreensaver will certainly not help our users. :)

Based on the above, I think it is not so bad.

In case an alternative is considered, but the URL is too long, perhaps
an URL shortener may be considered: https://wiki.debian.org/deb.li


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