Hi Eriberto,

sadly I only have one machine on testing, but it is pretty recent with
no shortage on power and an SSD. The interface doesn't matter, just
tried with wlan0, same game. I also reinstalled the packages to be sure
with the disk (although I'd rather not assume the SSD to fail).

I tried to debug the process with gdb, but ended up with optimized
symbols of variables...

To eliminate as many sources of failures as possible, I downloaded
debian live (mate) 8.4.0 and loaded it up on the host.

debian 8.4: scanning works
After upgrade to stretch: segfaults as previously.

I tried another computer, same procedure: test with stable, upgrade to
testing and run netdiscover -i eth0 in both stages. To my astonishment,
it worked fine there.

So... since "hardware" seems more like the reason of this segfault, I
would probably blame some kernel module... but I didn't reboot in the
live image nor restarted the interfaces so another module or firmware
could be loaded.

I don't have exotic hardware (it's a T440p with intel network for eth
and wifi), and since it's working on stable, I assume the hardware is
not faulty.

What else is between netdiscover and the kernel? Can I test libpcap in a
similar way as netdiscover does or use some debugging foo with netdiscover?


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