
> I'm not able to reproduce the bug under current sid.
Even fixed with recent update in Jessie! :-) YEAH! Thanks for your support!
> As ctdb in jessie was in another repository than samba, I suspect an
> API incompatibility.
Actually I am not quite sure if that really is an API incompatibility; from
what I found out, the issue would have been fixed with an update to ctdb 2.5.6
which includes a lot of fixes in general.

For the records: when trying to run ctdb with gdb, the issue did not occur
-- but ctdb was painfully slow. Next I tried to read the messages on the
socket, like this:
  | mv /var/run/ctdb/ctdbd.socket /var/run/ctdb/ctdbd.socket-orig
  | socat -t100 -x -v \
  |    UNIX-LISTEN:/var/run/ctdb/ctdbd.socket,mode=777,reuseaddr,fork \
  |    UNIX-CONNECT:/var/run/ctdb/ctdbd.socket-orig
  | mv /var/run/ctdb/ctdbd.socket-orig /var/run/ctdb/ctdbd.socket
That just slowed down ctdb a little, but everything worked like a charm. So
I suspect some kind of race condition to be the root cause of the issue.
> I'm tempted to mark this as fixed under sid, but can you setup a sid
> box and test yourself with a similar config?
You may even mark this as fixed in jessie with version 4.2.10+...

Thank you very much for your help!

-- Adi

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