tags 801476 +patch
fixed 801476 3.6.0-1

I backported patch from 3.6.0-1 that fixes this bug. Please consider
updating package in stable.
--- /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lxml/html/soupparser.py.orig	2016-04-29 10:50:38.407542936 +0200
+++ /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/lxml/html/soupparser.py	2016-04-29 10:56:35.038214263 +0200
@@ -3,9 +3,19 @@
 __all__ = ["fromstring", "parse", "convert_tree"]
+import re
 from lxml import etree, html
-from BeautifulSoup import \
-     BeautifulSoup, Tag, Comment, ProcessingInstruction, NavigableString
+    from bs4 import (
+        BeautifulSoup, Tag, Comment, ProcessingInstruction, NavigableString,
+        Declaration, CData, Doctype)
+    _DECLARATION_OR_DOCTYPE = (Declaration, Doctype)
+except ImportError:
+    from BeautifulSoup import (
+        BeautifulSoup, Tag, Comment, ProcessingInstruction, NavigableString,
+        Declaration, CData)
+    _DECLARATION_OR_DOCTYPE = Declaration
 def fromstring(data, beautifulsoup=None, makeelement=None, **bsargs):
@@ -45,8 +55,6 @@
     You can pass a different Element factory through the `makeelement`
-    if makeelement is None:
-        makeelement = html.html_parser.makeelement
     root = _convert_tree(beautiful_soup_tree, makeelement)
     children = root.getchildren()
     for child in children:
@@ -59,10 +67,12 @@
 def _parse(source, beautifulsoup, makeelement, **bsargs):
     if beautifulsoup is None:
         beautifulsoup = BeautifulSoup
-    if makeelement is None:
-        makeelement = html.html_parser.makeelement
-    if 'convertEntities' not in bsargs:
-        bsargs['convertEntities'] = 'html'
+    if hasattr(beautifulsoup, "HTML_ENTITIES"):  # bs3
+        if 'convertEntities' not in bsargs:
+            bsargs['convertEntities'] = 'html'
+    if hasattr(beautifulsoup, "DEFAULT_BUILDER_FEATURES"):  # bs4
+        if 'features' not in bsargs:
+            bsargs['features'] = ['html.parser']  # use Python html parser
     tree = beautifulsoup(source, **bsargs)
     root = _convert_tree(tree, makeelement)
     # from ET: wrap the document in a html root element, if necessary
@@ -71,36 +81,201 @@
     root.tag = "html"
     return root
+_parse_doctype_declaration = re.compile(
+    r'(?:\s|[<!])*DOCTYPE\s*HTML'
+    r'(?:\s+PUBLIC)?(?:\s+(\'[^\']*\'|"[^"]*"))?'
+    r'(?:\s+(\'[^\']*\'|"[^"]*"))?',
+    re.IGNORECASE).match
+class _PseudoTag:
+    # Minimal imitation of BeautifulSoup.Tag
+    def __init__(self, contents):
+        self.name = 'html'
+        self.attrs = []
+        self.contents = contents
+    def __iter__(self):
+        return self.contents.__iter__()
 def _convert_tree(beautiful_soup_tree, makeelement):
-    root = makeelement(beautiful_soup_tree.name,
-                       attrib=dict(beautiful_soup_tree.attrs))
-    _convert_children(root, beautiful_soup_tree, makeelement)
-    return root
+    if makeelement is None:
+        makeelement = html.html_parser.makeelement
-def _convert_children(parent, beautiful_soup_tree, makeelement):
-    SubElement = etree.SubElement
-    et_child = None
-    for child in beautiful_soup_tree:
-        if isinstance(child, Tag):
-            et_child = SubElement(parent, child.name, attrib=dict(
-                [(k, unescape(v)) for (k,v) in child.attrs]))
-            _convert_children(et_child, child, makeelement)
-        elif type(child) is NavigableString:
-            _append_text(parent, et_child, unescape(child))
-        else:
-            if isinstance(child, Comment):
-                parent.append(etree.Comment(child))
-            elif isinstance(child, ProcessingInstruction):
-                parent.append(etree.ProcessingInstruction(
-                    *child.split(' ', 1)))
-            else: # CData
-                _append_text(parent, et_child, unescape(child))
-def _append_text(parent, element, text):
-    if element is None:
-        parent.text = (parent.text or '') + text
+    # Split the tree into three parts:
+    # i) everything before the root element: document type
+    # declaration, comments, processing instructions, whitespace
+    # ii) the root(s),
+    # iii) everything after the root: comments, processing
+    # instructions, whitespace
+    first_element_idx = last_element_idx = None
+    html_root = declaration = None
+    for i, e in enumerate(beautiful_soup_tree):
+        if isinstance(e, Tag):
+            if first_element_idx is None:
+                first_element_idx = i
+            last_element_idx = i
+            if html_root is None and e.name and e.name.lower() == 'html':
+                html_root = e
+        elif declaration is None and isinstance(e, _DECLARATION_OR_DOCTYPE):
+            declaration = e
+    # For a nice, well-formatted document, the variable roots below is
+    # a list consisting of a single <html> element. However, the document
+    # may be a soup like '<meta><head><title>Hello</head><body>Hi
+    # all<\p>'. In this example roots is a list containing meta, head
+    # and body elements.
+    pre_root = beautiful_soup_tree.contents[:first_element_idx]
+    roots = beautiful_soup_tree.contents[first_element_idx:last_element_idx+1]
+    post_root = beautiful_soup_tree.contents[last_element_idx+1:]
+    # Reorganize so that there is one <html> root...
+    if html_root is not None:
+        # ... use existing one if possible, ...
+        i = roots.index(html_root)
+        html_root.contents = roots[:i] + html_root.contents + roots[i+1:]
-        element.tail = (element.tail or '') + text
+        # ... otherwise create a new one.
+        html_root = _PseudoTag(roots)
+    convert_node = _init_node_converters(makeelement)
+    # Process pre_root
+    res_root = convert_node(html_root)
+    prev = res_root
+    for e in reversed(pre_root):
+        converted = convert_node(e)
+        if converted is not None:
+            prev.addprevious(converted)
+            prev = converted
+    # ditto for post_root
+    prev = res_root
+    for e in post_root:
+        converted = convert_node(e)
+        if converted is not None:
+            prev.addnext(converted)
+            prev = converted
+    if declaration is not None:
+        try:
+            # bs4 provides full Doctype string
+            doctype_string = declaration.output_ready()
+        except AttributeError:
+            doctype_string = declaration.string
+        match = _parse_doctype_declaration(doctype_string)
+        if not match:
+            # Something is wrong if we end up in here. Since soupparser should
+            # tolerate errors, do not raise Exception, just let it pass.
+            pass
+        else:
+            external_id, sys_uri = match.groups()
+            docinfo = res_root.getroottree().docinfo
+            # strip quotes and update DOCTYPE values (any of None, '', '...')
+            docinfo.public_id = external_id and external_id[1:-1]
+            docinfo.system_url = sys_uri and sys_uri[1:-1]
+    return res_root
+def _init_node_converters(makeelement):
+    converters = {}
+    ordered_node_types = []
+    def converter(*types):
+        def add(handler):
+            for t in types:
+                converters[t] = handler
+                ordered_node_types.append(t)
+            return handler
+        return add
+    def find_best_converter(node):
+        for t in ordered_node_types:
+            if isinstance(node, t):
+                return converters[t]
+        return None
+    def convert_node(bs_node, parent=None):
+        # duplicated in convert_tag() below
+        try:
+            handler = converters[type(bs_node)]
+        except KeyError:
+            handler = converters[type(bs_node)] = find_best_converter(bs_node)
+        if handler is None:
+            return None
+        return handler(bs_node, parent)
+    def map_attrs(bs_attrs):
+        if isinstance(bs_attrs, dict):  # bs4
+            attribs = {}
+            for k, v in bs_attrs.items():
+                if isinstance(v, list):
+                    v = " ".join(v)
+                attribs[k] = unescape(v)
+        else:
+            attribs = dict((k, unescape(v)) for k, v in bs_attrs)
+        return attribs
+    def append_text(parent, text):
+        if len(parent) == 0:
+            parent.text = (parent.text or '') + text
+        else:
+            parent[-1].tail = (parent[-1].tail or '') + text
+    # converters are tried in order of their definition
+    @converter(Tag, _PseudoTag)
+    def convert_tag(bs_node, parent):
+        attrs = bs_node.attrs
+        if parent is not None:
+            attribs = map_attrs(attrs) if attrs else None
+            res = etree.SubElement(parent, bs_node.name, attrib=attribs)
+        else:
+            attribs = map_attrs(attrs) if attrs else {}
+            res = makeelement(bs_node.name, attrib=attribs)
+        for child in bs_node:
+            # avoid double recursion by inlining convert_node(), see above
+            try:
+                handler = converters[type(child)]
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+            else:
+                if handler is not None:
+                    handler(child, res)
+                continue
+            convert_node(child, res)
+        return res
+    @converter(Comment)
+    def convert_comment(bs_node, parent):
+        res = etree.Comment(bs_node)
+        if parent is not None:
+            parent.append(res)
+        return res
+    @converter(ProcessingInstruction)
+    def convert_pi(bs_node, parent):
+        if bs_node.endswith('?'):
+            # The PI is of XML style (<?as df?>) but BeautifulSoup
+            # interpreted it as being SGML style (<?as df>). Fix.
+            bs_node = bs_node[:-1]
+        res = etree.ProcessingInstruction(*bs_node.split(' ', 1))
+        if parent is not None:
+            parent.append(res)
+        return res
+    @converter(NavigableString)
+    def convert_text(bs_node, parent):
+        if parent is not None:
+            append_text(parent, unescape(bs_node))
+        return None
+    return convert_node
 # copied from ET's ElementSoup
@@ -109,10 +284,18 @@
     from html.entities import name2codepoint # Python 3
 except ImportError:
     from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint
-import re
 handle_entities = re.compile("&(\w+);").sub
+    unichr
+except NameError:
+    # Python 3
+    unichr = chr
 def unescape(string):
     if not string:
         return ''

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