Package: src:gcc-5-doc
Followup-For: Bug #815369


There seems to be another bug in texi2pdf, which is triggered by an
underscore in output filename. 

This command works:
        texi2pdf --command="@set cmd1 HELLO" --build=tidy  -o mwe.pdf mwe.texi
while the other doesn't:
        texi2pdf --command="@set cmd1 HELLO" --build=tidy  -o mwe_2.pdf mwe.texi

The mwe.texi file by Norbert:

$ cat mwe.texi
\input texinfo   @c -*-texinfo-*-

What ever
@anchor{@value{cmd1} doc}@anchor{0}
Here we go

Command line output:

$ texi2pdf --command="@set cmd1 HELLO" --build=tidy  -o mwe.pdf mwe.texi
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015/Debian) 
(preloaded format=pdfetex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
Loading texinfo [version 2016-02-05.07.deb3]: pdf, fonts, markup, glyphs,
page headings, tables, conditionals, indexing, sectioning, toc, environments,
defuns, macros, cross references, insertions,
This is `epsf.tex' v2.7.4 <14 February 2011>
) localization, formatting, and turning on texinfo input format.) (./mwe.aux)
[1{/var/lib/texmf/fonts/map/pdftex/updmap/}] )</usr/share/texlive/tex
Output written on mwe.pdf (1 page, 14596 bytes).
Transcript written on mwe.log.

$ texi2pdf --command="@set cmd1 HELLO" --build=tidy  -o mwe_2.pdf mwe.texi
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.14159265-2.6-1.40.16 (TeX Live 2015/Debian) 
(preloaded format=pdfetex)
 restricted \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode
(/home/pkg/gcc/value/mwe.texi (/usr/share/texmf/tex/texinfo/texinfo.tex
Loading texinfo [version 2016-02-05.07.deb3]: pdf, fonts, markup, glyphs,
page headings, tables, conditionals, indexing, sectioning, toc, environments,
defuns, macros, cross references, insertions,
This is `epsf.tex' v2.7.4 <14 February 2011>
) localization, formatting, and turning on texinfo input format.) (./mwe.aux
./mwe.aux:1: TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [input stack size=18000].
@value ->@begingroup @makevalueexpandable
@makevalueexpandable ->@let @value
                                   = @expandablevalue @catcode `@-=@other @c...

@value ->@begingroup @makevalueexpandable
@makevalueexpandable ->@let @value
                                   = @expandablevalue @catcode `@-=@other @c...

@value ->@begingroup @makevalueexpandable
@makevalueexpandable ->@let @value
                                   = @expandablevalue @catcode `@-=@other @c...
l.1 ..., used in @value, is not set.} doc-title}{}

./mwe.aux:1:  ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
Transcript written on mwe.log.
/usr/bin/texi2dvi: pdfetex exited with bad status, quitting.

texinfo version:
ii  texinfo        6.1.0.dfsg.1-6 amd64        Documentation system for
on-line information and printed output


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