On Sun, 01 May 2016 12:50:03 +1000
Alexander Zangerl <a...@snafu.priv.at> wrote:

> run-mailcap is the only mechanism that i'm aware of that doesn't
> insist on a particular choice of sound application - but feel free to
> correct me there.

The only alternative I could think of is the "alternatives" system.  Maybe you 
could put out the word that exmh wants a 
"/etc/alternatives/minimal-audio-player" or something like that, and then try 
and convince the packagers of the appropriate audio player apps to update their 
packages to register themselves as such.  I suppose for best results, you'd 
also want to document what the expected behavior of this "minimal-audio-player" 
would be.
I'm not familiar with the politics of the debian-developer world, so I have no 
idea how difficult that would be.

Also, I'm of the opinion that audio feedback in a mail application (and most 
non-audio applications) is a terrible idea, and not worth putting much effort 
into, but I'm aware that I'm usually in the minority with my opinions about UI.

> the next version of the exmh package will ship with a default config
> that has audio disabled, and people will have to explicitly set their
> own sound player commands; i've also added example invocations to the
> help text on the audio preferences page.

Thank you.  This is exactly the result I was hoping for.

Brian Sammon <debian-b...@brisammon.fastmail.fm>

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