On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 09:37:04AM -0400, Antoine Beaupré wrote:
> Atheme-services 7.1 and above depend on a supposedly "2.1" release
> that doesn't seem to have been published (and is certainly not
> available in Debian).
> This makes newer releases of atheme unbuildable on Debian sid. A new
> upload of mowgli-2 would be necessary to fix this. It may be better to
> wait for upstream to get their ducks in a row, something I have
> reported here:
> https://github.com/atheme/libmowgli-2/issues/36


This issue is now fixed.

However, to fix this in sid, we'll need to setup a transition for
libmowgli. This seems overkill, to say the least, since atheme is, as
far as I know, the only package depending on libmowgli.

Why are we keeping those two separate anyways? It's not as if there's a
lot of things that use libmowgli out there. In the whole existence of
the package, *nothing* came up that reused the library.

I would advocate more for dropping the package from unstable at this
point and build atheme with the shipped code now, instead of going
through this whole process.

What do you think?

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                       - Chris Watterson

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