On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 09:43:10 +0200, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> No synaptics driver loaded?

Oh, so that's what happened.  Thanks for reporting it so the rest of us
could figure out what happened.  The lobotomy this change inflicted on
my touchpad was driving me nuts.

On Thu, 28 Apr 2016 10:30:14 +0200, Julien Cristau wrote:
> the libinput driver mostly replaces it, so the touchpad is no longer
> configured with synclient.

Only someone who doesn't use a modern multitouch touchpad could think
that.  I'm sure libinput does a very good job of driving a mouse, but a
dumb touchpad does a very poor job of imitating one.  This is mostly
because you have to move the finger controlling the mouse off the
touchpad to click the physical buttons, which makes clicking slow and
cumbersome.  A modern touchpad's multitouch and gestures not only fix
that nit, they add scrolling and other functions a mouse can't do.  But
libinput knows knowning about touchpads (modern or otherwise) and I at
least felt like time had moved backwards 5 years or so after this
change.  So I respectfully disagree with the "mostly replaces it"

> There are some configuration knobs you can set with xinput(1), which
> may or may not resemble the synaptics ones

xinput supports whatever the underlying driver supports. If the
synaptics driver is use it is an effective replacement for synclient.
 If libinput is driving your touchpad you can't configure most of the
features provided by a modern touchpad.

Fortunately you can work around this change by forcing X to use the
synaptics driver by following the instructions on the Debian Synaptics
Wiki page:


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