On Sun, 2016 May  8 11:28+0200, Guido Günther wrote:
> >
> > I would not mind having the program run for all users, but for the
> > "credentials expired" notification. Is there a reason to give that
> > message on startup when no credentials (not even expired ones) are
> > present?
> Yes, this gives you the persistent notification in GNOMEs notification
> area that allows you to grab a ticket via mouse click (in contrast to
> getting it via the API).

I can just click on the little systray icon. How is the notification
necessary for me to get a ticket? (I am using the program under Xfce, if
that makes a difference.)

Bear in mind, strictly speaking, it is incorrect for the program to
report "credentials expired" when a non-Kerberos user logs in---because
no credentials (even expired/invalid ones) are present at all. It's like
telling someone who has never had a passport in their life that their
passport is expired. That's going to be quite confusing for them.

> The current behaviour is reasonable under the objective that you want
> to give the user an easy way to fetch a ticket at any time and not all
> applications being able to request a ticket via the DBus API.

I don't understand why you're bringing up the DBus API. Yes, some
applications can request krb5-auth-dialog get the user's password and
then Kerberos tickets. But there is a systray icon that is independent
of DBus, and the user can click on it whenever they like, and that is
about as easy as it gets.

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