On May 12, 2016, at 10:40 PM, Petter Reinholdtsen wrote:

> As zfs-linux finally entered unstable yesterday, I guess it is
> time to look at this issue again.

I'm pretty sure it's fixed in one of my PRs that haven't been
accepted. I've seen this issue on the ZoL trackers, but I can't
remember if we got confirmation.

I include a patch for that in my ZoL packages.


Now that ZFS have finally been accepted, we need to find
a way to merge my packages with the official Debian GNU/Linux
ones. And the Ubuntu ones.

My suggestion have been to include the debian directory into
upstream spl/zfs directly. With a little glue, we should be
able to provide ONE directory that works on everything.

My packages all work on Wheezy, Jessie, Sid as well as a
few Ubuntu versions.

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