On Thu, 2016-05-19 at 15:55 +0200, Christian Seiler wrote:
> So the initial thing you reported with the drop-downs is fixed by my
> patch for #824616, so it was the same underlying problem.

> However, since this is a perfectly fine bugreport ;-), and the 2nd
> problem you reported with gedit's border I can reproduce (and it's
> even worse here, because with gtk3-nocsd there are black areas where
> the rounded edges are supposed to be), I'm going to reuse the report
> here to track the second issue. My guess is that there needs to be
> some small fixup for the CSS used to render the header bar.
I see,... and as said in the other bug already... this isn't fixed by
the other patch.

> PS: btw. Adwaita is available in my test VM for "Window Borders",
> but the Nautilus preferences dialog is really weird with those
> decorations (also without gtk3-nocsd), because there's no close
> button there at all and you can only close it via the context menu
> on the title bar. With your window border theme there is a close
> button, so it's fine.
Well I don't really like Adwaita... I think it's pretty unintuitive,
looking fancy, but not professionally usable.

Anyway, my cinnamon system settings even don't show it anymore for
window decorations... (perhaps a feature of cinnamon? ;-) )... guess I
should open a bug there about that.


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