On 22.05.2016 00:25, Iustin Pop wrote:

>> ,----
>> |   chown smokeping:smokeping /var/lib/smokeping
>> |   chown smokeping:smokeping /etc/smokeping/smokeping_secrets
>> |   chmod 640 /etc/smokeping/smokeping_secrets
>> `----
>> This unconditionally destroys any custom permissions the admin may have
>> set. Overwriting the permissions for /etc/smokeping/smokeping_secrets is
>> especially desastrous because this file needs to be read by the www-data
>> user (or group) to allow slaves to connect correctly.
>> Right now the only option is to use POSIX-ACLs to allow www-data to read
>> that file because if you just use "chgrp www-data" this change will get
>> overwritten the next time the package is updated.
> Since there's no mechanism (AFAIK) for automatically handling custom
> permissions for conffiles, and both the admin and the package fight over
> this, the first solution that comes to mind is to add debconf questions
> for owner and mode, and always use debconf/the package to manage the
> permissions. This would solve both problems (conflicts and custom
> permissions).
> A simpler alternative but not that flexible would be to add only one
> question ("support slaves"), which would different, but still hard-coded
> permissions.

In https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=760945#12 I
corrected my statement concerning the direcory /var/lib/smokeping, but
the wrong permissions for /etc/smokeping/smokeping_secrets remain.

Since this file is only ever needed on the server side (and unused if
you don't have slaves), you can (AFAICS) unconditionally ust set the
ownership to smokeping:www-data and set 640 as permissions and be done,
no need to ask anything.

The slave itself uses /etc/smokeping/slave-secrets as source for the
password, smokeping:root and 640 are correct there and can stay that way.


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