Hi Mattia,

Perhaps it would help if I explained exactly what that test is doing.

One of the possible uses for this library is to provide a local HTTP server that would be accessible only to the current user. This is done by creating a special token and putting it into a file that is only readable by the user (by doing the equivalent of "chmod 600"). Other applications running under the user's account can read the file and include the token when making HTTP requests to the server. Other users won't be able to read the file and won't be able to include the token with HTTP requests.

By default, this special file is created in the user's home directory. The test suite uses the default location and fails when it can't determine the home directory. By setting $HOME to /tmp, the test suite is able to use /tmp as if it were the user's home directory.

Please let me know if I should change debian/rules back to using a hardcoded value for /tmp or if I should leave it as it is now (using $TMPDIR but falling back to /tmp).

- Nathan

On 2016-05-24 10:48 AM, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
On Tue, May 24, 2016 at 10:43:59AM -0700, Nathan Osman wrote:
First of all, I apologize for the mix-up. I wasn't paying very close
attention to who was sending the emails. I think I've got it all
straightened out now :)
Nevermind :)

As described below, I've made the changes you requested and made the
adjustment for observing TMPDIR as Mattia suggested. Please let me know if
you have any further questions or if there are any other changes I need to
Actually, Jakub suggestion is a lot better.  Using HOME=/tmp is really
fine in tiny subset of occasions, and depends on what the program does
and how.

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