On Fri, May 13, 2016 at 06:08:36PM +0000, Holger Levsen wrote:
> Hi Dominic!
> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 12:21:55PM +0100, Dominic Hargreaves wrote:
> > Not that I have vast amounts of free time, but I do care about
> > munin packaging, so I can offer to put a little bit of time into a
> > team effort.
> that would be much welcome! \o/
> > What's the current status, thuough? The last update on the rfh bug
> > is a few years ago, so I want to know what I'm letting myself in for :)
> well, the package is maintained by Stig (ssm) and myself and in the last 1.5
> years not much has been done, as we have been waiting for the upstream
> 3.0 release… (which was said to be immiment for quite some time now :/
> Because of this we also didnt bother to send bugs upstream, as most if
> not all bugs in the BTS are filed against munin 1.4 or 2.0 and quite
> some bugs have been fixed upstream in the 3.0 development phase…
> > What are the main tasks/priorities other than bug squashing? Is an
> > upload of the current development branch to experimental useful, for
> > example?
> yes, absolutly. once that is done, I suppose it would also be sensible
> to go through the current list of bugs and investigate whether they
> still happen with munin 2.999.2.
> We (ssm and upstream) hang out on #munin on OFTC, though the same
> channel is also available on freenode. (it's mirrored/piped.)
> Please do feel very much invited to work in the git repo and also do
> uploads, if you feel confident to do so :) Also I believe your work will
> have a motivation effect on us :) Also upstream (hi Steve) is reading
> the debian BTS too and having more 3.0 testing might convince them to
> release 3.0.0 rather sooner than later.
> It's starting getting late to have 3.0 in stretch.

That all makes sense. I will try and find some time to have a crack of
some of this soon.

The freeze of stretch is in January (soft freeze), so we still have a
little time (although I know what tends to happen to that...)


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