hello pabs, hello *,

On 05/27/2016 06:29 AM, Paul Wise wrote:
> Here is another review, I don't intend to sponsor this though.
thanks for the review! again, i've learned a lot ;)

i'v now pushed everythin also to
https://gitlab.com/muri/usbguard-debian/, but not yet updated the
package on mentors, because the build dependencies are now unresolvable

> These things block the upload of this package to Debian:
> debian/copyright isn't complete, some files have different
> licenses/copyright holders to what is documented. I would recommend
> looking at the header of each file and ensuring that is documented.
oke, i've fixed that to my best knowlegde.
i've created a list with files that lack any license and will file a bug
upstream about that.

> debian/changelog should have unstable instead of UNRELEASED if you are
> requesting an upload to unstable.

> These things block the upload of this package to Debian in my opinion
> but maybe not for others:
> src/ThirdParty and src/Library/RuleParser/quex contain embedded code
> copies. Please ask upstream to remove them from their VCS and tarballs
> and depend on them instead. You can then package them separately.
> Alternatively, package them separately and remove all of them at
> `debian/rules build` time before dh_auto_configure and at
> `debian/rules clean` time (or just have uscan auto-repack the upstream
> tarball using Files-Excluded).
oke, so:
i've filed #825620 (ITP: quex), #825623 (ITP: json), #825625 (ITP: usbmon)

i've tried to exclude the folders using Files-Exclude, but that didn't
seem to work. i'm now deleting them in override_dh_auto_configure and
as soon as all the dependencies are packaged, i'll file a bug report
about removing the bundled code.

> The parser/lexer are not build from source. The documentation is
> actually missing the source code (Markdown).
i don't get the meaning of that last sentence, could you elaborate?

> Please ask upstream to
> remove all the generated files from their VCS and tarballs and create
> them at build time. Obviously some autotools things like ./configure
> need to be in the tarball though. As long as they are regenerated at
> build time using autoreconf that is fine though.

> These things would be nice to fix:
> The debian/changlog excerpts in debian/patches/* aren't needed.

> I like to have this in my ~/.quiltrc to keep quilt-generated patches clean:
> QUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="-pab --no-timestamps --no-index"
thanks for the tip!

> Please add some DEP-3 headers to the patches, especially Forwarded:

> The watch file doesn't work (see the uscan output below), I think you
> need to check the releases page instead.

> Could you ask upstream to sign their commits, tags and release files?
putting it on my TODO list

> You can glob the manual page paths in usbguard.install:

> Personally I dislike the "documentation and commented-out settings in
> /etc/..." pattern, how systemd does it is nicer.
what do you mean by 'how systemd does it'?

> For the symbols file you might want to use the c++ pattern type. See
> the dpkg-gensymbols manual page for more details.

> I like to run this command to wrap-and-sort the debian/ directory to
> make diffs easier to read:
> wrap-and-sort --short-indent --wrap-always --sort-binary-packages
> --trailing-comma --verbose
thanks for the tip, done!

> Please add some upstream metadata: https://wiki.debian.org/UpstreamMetadata

> debhelper already passes --disable-silent-rules to ./configure so you
> don't need to.

> dist/usbguard.service doesn't pay attention to the --prefix, --bindir,
> --etcdir, etc options passed to configure, I would suggest getting
> ./configure to generate it from a .in file.
adding to my TODO list

> The upstream README.md would be useful to install in the binary
> package if it didn't contain build/install instructions. I would
> suggest using sed or similar to automatically strip out those parts
> and copy the result to a README file, which could then be installed.
> Everything between these two headings should be stripped:
adding to my TODO list

> Will you also package the usbguard-applet-qt thing mentioned in README.md?
yes, as far as i can see, the qt-applet will also be part of the source
package in the next release

thanks a lot for all the tips!

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