Control: retitle -1 enable setting dbc_install during reconfigure
Control: severity -1 minor

Hi Klaus,

On 27-05-16 14:34, Klaus Ethgen wrote:
>> I am not sure if you are now talking about the current upgrade. If you
>> are than that is correct, you didn't get the question because you had
>> dbc_install=false. If you are talking about "ever" than something
>> clearly failed during the migration.
> True, with upgrade I did not get any question.
> I got this (and only this) question when using dpkg-reconfigure.

Sure, but dpkg-reconfigure will never apply upgrades from the past
because it only applies the upgrades that are needed from YOUR old
version to the current version. As the old version and the current
version are the same, that would not make sense. dpkg-reconfigure
can sensibly only recreate the database from scratch or leave it alone.
So dpkg-reconfigure is the wrong solution to the problem.

>> As bacula migrated to
>> dbconfig-common support for their MySQL and PostgreSQL databases way
>> before that time (in 2006), I suspect you got the old (install) question
>> and this would explain why you haven't seen the question in mentioned in
>> my previous e-mail.
> Well, I do not know how long, but I use bacula for really long time now.
> I have file dates up to begin of 2009 but using bacula much longer.

Well, the bacula SQLite switch was done in version 3.0.3-3 (8 Feb 2010),
so if you were following closely (have you always run your bacula on
unstable), you may have been just in between.

>>> And that might be the problem.
>> Why?
> Well, I want to use the upgrade but not the install of a new database.

Well, that is a uncommon situation, so you currently need to do some
manual action, i.e. a change in a configuration file. The point of
confusion may be that database install in dbconfig-common only means
initial install and possibly during reconfigure. Any other moment,
dbconfig-common is not going to install anything, definitely not during

>>> There was never a question about update.
>> As explained, with dbc_install=false that is to be expected.
> I mean, there as never a question about that even when dbc gots
> installed in the begin.

Sure, if you were just in the time gap mentioned before, that is understood.

> Well, from the user perspective, I just vote for not overwriting my
> existing database. I did not get any question about migrating the
> database. (That was working bevore bacula switched to dbc.)

Again (except with dpkg-reconfigure) the existing database is never
overwritten. I believe you are voting for an option during reconfigure
to turn on upgrades again. I already accepted that as the description of
this bug.

>> The question it stands for is, "do you want dbconfig-common to manage
>> the database on behalf of ${pkg}". And as already noted, the question
>> that is actually asked has been changed more than 6 years ago.
> Well, it asked to purge my existing database.

I assume you are talking about the reconfigure situation. That is
designed behavior.


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