Package: tar
Version:  1.29-1

this is a regression in tar 1.28-2.1 -> 1.29-1 and by that it is valid for
Debian Stretch (Testing).

Fortunately there is at least a simple test:
rm -rf dir; mkdir -p dir/subdir; touch dir/subdir/file; tar -c -f
/tmp/test.tar -C dir subdir --exclude subdir/file; tar -tf /tmp/test.tar

tar: subdir/file: Not found in archive
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors


This could cause quite a few weird/under-the-radar bugs all around - like
in my package which suddenly had more binaries. "Fortunately" one of them
collided with one of the system, so we found this issue.

Note: this is not a dup to bug 655895 - while the title is similar, the old
bug referred to a much older tar version and had a more complex --exclude
pattern - this simpler test was still ok back then (Tested on wheezy with

Kind Regards,

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