On Mon, 6 Jun 2016 15:46:55 +0200
Rene Engelhard <r...@debian.org> wrote:

> On Mon, Jun 06, 2016 at 03:28:56PM +0200, José Luis González wrote:
> > In writer, after installing the british language pack and with spanish
> > and american language packs installed, the spell checker only works in
> You say you installed "the british language pack" and the
> "american language packs" (whcih packs? there's only one). You didn't
> say you installed the actual dictionaries.

Well I only installed the british language pack. The american was
installed, which is what I said.

> The package description clearly says the dictionaries are NOT included
> in -l10n-*

The dictionaries were already installed (myspell-en-gb, hunspell-en-gb).

> > spanish and Tools->Language->All text doesn't show languages other than
> > Spanish. I understand English should also be shown.
> That option does not do what you expect it to do. It *guesses* the text.

Interestingly my document was written in English and it didn't guess
English, plus it showed Spanish instead. Probably because Spanish was
set as the language of the text.

> I tested with a English LO were I only have English (USA) as a choice. Wrote
> some random german text ("Das ist ein Auto" - "This is a car") and
> Tools->Language->All text shows me German (Germany)
> ii  hunspell-de-de                                              20131206-5    
>                        all          German dictionary for hunspell
> ii  hunspell-en-us                                              20070829-6    
>                        all          English_american dictionary for hunspell
> I guess you want to look at Format->Character to hardcode the language

I didn't know that option. Thanks.

> and/or check whether they appear in 
> Tools -> Options -> Language Settings -> Writing Aids -> Edit..

They don't appear there. Only the modules and the standard, technical
and IgnoreAllList user dictionaries.

> > User interface is in Spanish, but I believe this should have nothing to
> > do.
> Then it probably defaults to Spanish. And if you added the locale info
> (which reportbug would have provided...) I'd bet it's also set to Spanish..

Indeed, it is es_ES.UTF-8.

> What if you install the actual dictionaries? (hunspell-*)?

They were installed. As I said before, the problem was the language of
the text was set as Spanish. Until I set it to British the British
dictionary didn't appear in the menu, together with Spanish.

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