
On Fri, 25 Dec 2015 19:44:09 +0100 Johannes Schauer <jo...@debian.org> wrote:
> In summary, the following should work:
> apt-cache dumpavail | dose-debcheck -v -f -e 
> sbuild-build-depends-yourpackage-dummy
> Together with --build-deps-failed-commands you can create a hook which does
> exactly what this bug requests. Would this be sufficient to fix this bug?

thinking about this a bit more, the above should work but requires
dose-debcheck and its dependencies to be installed inside the chroot. But
installing additional packages might influence the result and should thus not
be done.

Instead, the output of "apt-cache dumpavail" inside the chroot should be piped
to dose-debcheck installed outside the chroot. Unfortunately, the
--build-deps-failed-commands are run inside the chroot and do not offer running
anything outside the chroot.

So as originally suggested, it might be necessary to add the functionality to
sbuild itself. Maybe by sbuild opportunistically running dose-debcheck after
dependency installation failed and sbuild sees the dose-debcheck binary on the


cheers, josch

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