On Sat, 11 Jun 2016, Ben Finney wrote:

On 11-Jun-2016, David Griffith wrote:
On Sat, 11 Jun 2016, Ben Finney wrote:
The Inform 6 compiler code base is maintained (I believe; or at
least published) by David Kinder. So that's where to submit the
request to make those files part of the Inform 6 compiler source
if they're a necessary part of the compiler code base.

Yes, David Kinder maintains the Inform6 Compiler these days. Asking
to add other things to that code base is not going to happen.

Okay. So that means these files are not conceptually part of the
Inform 6 compiler code base? I thought that was the initial bug
report's meaning.

I'm now the one who's confused :-)

The David Kinder's codebase (https://github.com/DavidKinder/Inform6) is just for the compiler itself. The two Perl scripts for manipulating Blorbs are supplementary. You can have the naked output of the Inform6 compiler just fine. It's just that the defacto standard for getting a Z-machine or Glulx game with audio or graphics, those audio and graphic files are packaged up into an IFF container -- Blorb.

How about if I put together a package called
"interactive-fiction-tools" which would be recommended by the
inform6 packages and any other IF authoring tools?

What coherent code base are these files most naturally maintained,
versioned, released, and used by the community?

The scripts I wrote are highly modified from demo scripts offered around 1998. Inform7 is where use of Blorbs really took off. For the Inform7 environment, the scripts were rewritten in C. Treaty of Babel is sort of an extension of the thoughts that went into Blorb. That too is included with the Inform7 development environment packages. Meanwhile, Inform6 was left to languish until I picked it up and got it going again. Prior to Inform7, there was no IDE. Graham Nelson put the compiler and library sources on the IF Archive. Others in his close circle would put together binary packages of the compiler. Glenn Hutchings put together a tarball that put the compiler and library together with demos, tutorials, documentation, and other stuff. I took this over too when Glenn didn't want to keep it up.

The Debian package should reflect what code bases are likely to see
ongoing maintenance (modulo considerations like the Upstream Guide

This is why I'm asking for clarity about what constituent parts will
form each coherent code base and be maintained reliably into the
future, *prior* to making decisions about Debian packaging.

How's this?

inform6-compiler        https://github.com/DavidKinder/Inform6
inform6-library         https://github.com/DavidGriffith/inform6lib
inform6-include         Contents of include/ in my tarball
inform6-demos           Contents of demos/ in my tarball
inform6-tutor           Contents of tutor/ (maybe merge with above)
int-fiction-tools       https://github.com/DavidGriffith/blorbtools +
                        Treaty of Babel utilities + other stuff that I
                        need to look up.

David Griffith

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