> I am not a DD and thus cannot sponsor your package, but here are a few
> remarks.

Thank you for review.

> Your debian/changelog file is actually missing the entry of the last
> upload (1.8.3-14), please incorporate it.  That version already included
> a few of your changes, plus there is a patch for bug #774394 which your
> package seems to be missing.

My bad. I should put 'apt-get update' into cron.

> >   * New maintainer (Closes: #826639)
> Please send a message to that bug that you would like to adopt the
> package, and retitle the bug accordingly.

Sent it. Seems I can't include control into message to

> >   * New upstream release
> Closes: #682239
> Probably there are a few other bugs which are fixed by the new upstream
> release, e.g. #340479 - since version 1.9, gdbm has large file support.
> Please take a look at them, there are not too many.

I considered some of them. Other require more prolonged
experimentation on my side and communication with upstream. I am not
aganist to defer them to -2 revision.

> >   * Update debian/watch
> >       - use HTTP over FTP protocol. FTP have some issues with Tor.
> >       - check GPG signature
> >   * New binary package libgdbm4 over libgdbm3 due upstream changing ABI.
> This means that the upload should go to experimental first, and then you
> have to start a transition, see
> https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/ReleaseTeam/Transitions.

New concept for me. Will read.

> >   * Bump debhelper compat level from 7 to 9
> Already done in 1.8.3-14.
Removed changelog entry

> >   * Migrate debian/rules to `dh' sequencer
> The old package (besides not using debhelper for most things) had a few
> idiosyncrasies, such as the one mentioned in #589761.  Hopefully none of
> those are needed anymore, but you should at least look at them.  Also,
> you get a fix for bug #436944 for free. :-)
Marked as closed

> >   * Bump standards version to 3.9.8
> Already done in 1.8.3-14.
Removed changelog entry

> >   * Remove mainainer scripts that called 'ldconfig', which is called by
> >     dpkg trigger.
> Ditto.
Removed changelog entry

> >   * Replace direct pre-dependency on multiarch-support with 
> > ${misc:Pre-Depends}
> Ditto.
Removed changelog entry

> I guess it would be useful to ship the NEWS and NOTE-WARNING files in
> the libgdbm4 package.  The latter is probably quite important on 32-bit
> architectures.
Shipped with devel package.

New version in on mentors.

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