Question: if a user has a video card wich is OpenGL2 or more capable but does 
not has libgl1-mesa-dri installed: does glxinfo informs "OpenGL version 
string:" with value 2 or more?

This is a very important thing: if this is true then we should maybe recommend 
libgl1-mesa-dri in libqt5gui5, as Qt heavily relies on OpenGL.

Thanks in advance!

Lo que me sorprende de las mujeres es que se arrancan los pelos desde
la raíz con cera caliente y aún así le temen a las arañas.
  Jerry Seinfeld

lis: comentario sobre tu frase....
yo soy mujer, yo me arranco los pelos y VOS le tenes miedo a las arañas....
  María Luján Pérez Meyer (mi hermana)

Lisandro Damián Nicanor Pérez Meyer

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