On Fri, 24 Jun 2016 11:36:46 +0200 Martin Quinson wrote:

> Hello,

Hello Martin, thanks for your prompt reply.

> the truth is that the development of po4a is kinda stopped since a few
> years. We do the basic maintainance, like reviewing and applying
> proposed patches (with some delays), but I don't manage to devote any
> time to the new wanted features myself. I'm sorry about that, but this
> is a fact.

OK, I assume the same holds for the other upstream authors of po4a
(or do you just speak for yourself?).

> As a result, I think that you should develop this module yourself.

I can try, with some help from you and the other po4a upstream

> I
> understand that Perl will make your brain burn as a Ruby programmer,

My brain is probably already burnt, due to overexposure to Fortran, but
I digress...    ;-)

The fact is that I haven't programmed in Perl for about 14 years and my
Perl knowledge was just a smattering anyway, so bear with me!

> but at the end, developping a new module for po4a is very easy. And I
> can guide you in this process if you go that way.

Your guidance will be much appreciated, thanks a lot!

> Check the doc on writing a new module, here:
>   man Locale::Po4a::TransTractor

I will study this soon, thanks for pointing it out.
In the meanwhile, I have to study the Ruby document format description
in more detail.

> I think that this is a good idea to keep both the upstream list and
> the debian bug in CC while discussing it. It will ensure both a good
> diffusion and a good archiving of the discussions.

OK, I am replying to both the bug address and the po4a-devel mailing
Please keep me in Cc, when replying (as I am not subscribed to the
mailing list or to the bug). Thanks.


 There's not a second to spare! To the laboratory!
..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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