Package: hunspell-eu
Version: 0.5.20151110-1
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

With LC_ALL=eu_FR.UTF-8, starting lowriter in a terminal, I noticed many
of these lines :

 This UTF-8 encoding can't convert to UTF-16:

And then :

 error: line 143841: 0 is wrong flag id

I changed the character encoding of the eu.dic file
(as root, I opened /usr/share/hunspell/eu.dic with vim and typed
 :set fileencoding=utf-8
and then

Now starting lowriter from a terminal does not show these errors

Please re-encode eu.dic in the UTF-8 encoding as it seems to be expected
by LibreOffice.

It might need changing the "Coding-System" field in

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