Orestis Ioannou wrote...

> So many tests failed with this stacktrace http://paste.debian.net/770211/

What I'd really like to see is the actual code and the circumstances
that triggered the stacktrace, probably a certain file. Still I failed
to create that, and this is important to fix the issue.

> If this is causing a mess in other projects then don't wait for me :).
> At debsources the issue was happening only in travis since we pull the
> master branch of python magic. In other words you won't break
> debsources, at least right now, if you upload.

No, the library should support python2 to the full extent as long as
python2 is part of Debian. Which will be for stretch and perhaps even
for buster.

> Sorry for the trouble i caused :/

Don't worry, you're just the bringer of the news.


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