Package: src:xen
Version: 4.4.1-9+deb8u5
Severity: normal

Dear Maintainer,

> * What led up to the situation?

Operated a domU with host-bridged network and a single static IP. The
dom0 interface is also a bridge, with one VLAN subinterface, one physical
interface and several vif interfaces for various other domU:s.

dom0 with standard jessie kernel 3.16.7-ckt25-2 and jessie userland.
domU with standard wheezy kernel 3.2.0-4-amd64 and jessie userland.

The domU was migrated to this dom0 from another dom0 with wheezy kernel and
userland, using the xm xen toolstack. The new jessie dom0 where the problem
was seen uses the xl xen toolstack.

The domU kernel was copied along with the domU disk image and *not* booted
using pygrub but specified in the xen .cfg file used to create the domU on
the new dom0.

> * What exactly did you do (or not do) that was effective (or ineffective)?

ping to a particular internet IP within the domU.

> * What was the outcome of this action?

An ARP request for the internet IP was seen by tcpdump running in dom0.

> * What outcome did you expect instead?

An ARP request for the default gateway IP seen by tcpdump running in dom0.

When trying to reproduce this problem by starting the domU on the problematic
dom0 host but connected to a new, different, bridge interface on the dom0,
unfortunately we have so far *not* been successful. Another difference
in the real life situation where that the dom0 was running 6 or 7 domUs.


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