On Mon, 04 Apr 2016 at 14:47:43 +0200, Thomas Leuxner wrote:
> Complete debdiff against 3.1.0-1 attached. Please consider importing.

I'd like to second this; I'm also able to create and query LMDB maps
after applying the patch.  Just one remark though: although harmless,
the conditional ‘delmap’ in the postinst script doesn't seem useful
since Postfix < 2.3.3-3 isn't compiled with LMDB support.

Furthermore, the debian/postfix-lmdb.* are identical to their -cdb
counterparts, thus postfix-lmdb and postfix-cdb have the same lintian
warnings.  In particular, the prerm scripts other than the one for -doc
trigger ‘maintainer-script-empty’ (they only seem to contain comments
and boilerplate code), hence should probably be removed.  IMHO this
doesn't belong to this patch though.


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