On Mon, 11 Jul 2016 10:43:19 +0200
Yves-Alexis Perez <cor...@debian.org> wrote:

> On Sat, 2016-07-09 at 19:10 +0200, José Luis González wrote:
> > My screen gets locked requiring username/password authentication to
> > unlock after some time even when screensaver is disabled and I see
> > nothing to configure it from locking.
> > 
> > After some research I see locking is now handled by light-locker, but
> > it seems the UI to change its settings (light-locker-settings) is not
> > available on my installation of XFCE.
> There's no light-locker-settings in Xfce. Locking is done when the X11
> screensaver is activated (for example through DPMS). You might have configured
> it through the power manager settings.

I have screen power management enabled but nowhere it says it activates
the screensaver, so I'm confused. If screen blank, suspension
and poweroff are enabled the X11 screensaver is activated even though
there is none? When does it trigger, on blank? If so, why is there no
setting in light-locker to disable it? A user may want screen power
management but not screen lock on blank. If light-locker is enabled by
default on XFCE installations I understand there must be a user
intuitive way to disable it other than discovering that it's the
culprit of the lock and it must be disabled in Session and Start.

Thanks anyway for the explanation.

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