
Am 22.07.2016 um 10:42 schrieb Guido Günther:
> NetworkManager-wait-online.service fails to start during boot like
> $ journalctl -b --unit=NetworkManager-wait-online.service
> -- Logs begin at Do 2015-08-06 09:54:25 SAST, end at Fr 2016-07-22 10:34:27 
> SAST. --
> Jul 22 09:57:14 bogon systemd[1]: Starting Network Manager Wait Online...
> Jul 22 09:57:46 bogon systemd[1]: NetworkManager-wait-online.service: Main 
> process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE
> Jul 22 09:57:46 bogon systemd[1]: Failed to start Network Manager Wait Online.
> Jul 22 09:57:46 bogon systemd[1]: NetworkManager-wait-online.service: Unit 
> entered failed state.
> Jul 22 09:57:46 bogon systemd[1]: NetworkManager-wait-online.service: Failed 
> with result 'exit-code'.
> If it strat it later on it works as expected (although an ethernet cable
> is plugged in all the time).

nm-wait-online exiting non-zero usually means, there was no network
connection configured by NM. This could have different reasons. E.g. for
WLAN the credentials could be stored in the user session and not be
available during boot.

If it's an ethernet connection, NM should establish the network
connection. It would be interesting to know, why it doesn't autoconnect.

Hm, could you send me a NetworkManager debug log from the boot

> Since it waits for a timeout it also delays the boot by several
> seconds. Disabling the service brings back the old boot speed. Should
> this service be disabled by default?

It was disabled in the past but I decided to enable it by default (as in
other distros, like Fedora or Ubuntu).
The reason for this is, that nm-wait-online is required to make remote
mounts work or services in general which depend on network-online.target
(aka $network).

Trading boot speed for that is acceptable imho and users who don't need
that can opt-out of nm-wait-online.


Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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