Hello Markus,

On 2016/08/12 21:59, Markus Unterwaditzer wrote:
> I see that you have added a few patches to your Debian package.
> > 0001-Do-not-require-setuptools-scm.patch
> I couldn't find how you're getting the sourcecode, but this should not be
> necessary if you're using the tarballs from PyPI. See
> https://vdirsyncer.pimutils.org/en/stable/packaging.html#obtaining-the-source-code
> It appears that python3-setuptools-scm is also available in Debian, so adding
> it as build dependency (instead of runtime dependency) should be possible.
> It seems that this is a bit unclear as I've discovered a similar patch in
> Fedora. Please rather reach out and discuss things with me before doing this.
> I'm saying this because I suspect that the metadata for the installed package
> will be wrong (Python software can query the installed version of a package
> with the `pkg_resources` module) because setup.py now doesn't contain any
> version information.

I have reworked to use Pypi instead and keep setuptools_scm in place.

> ... 
> > 0003-Skip-ssl-tests.patch
> This might be caused by the `HTTP_PROXY` and `HTTPS_PROXY` envvars. I'd try
> unsetting them in the build environment.

These variables are not set, I don't know why it's trying to use proxy
(maybe it somehow finds out there's no network access so this is a

> > 0004-Include-license-from-copyright-file.patch
> As far as I understand, this is including this file:
> https://github.com/fpytloun/debian-vdirsyncer/blob/master/debian/copyright
> However, the LICENSE file should be included in the PyPI package.

License files are autogenerated from d/copyright and shipped with every
package. So it should not be included in package directly (eg. like in
this case) but just referenced or included (see patch content) otherwise
Lintian will complain.

> Please do reach out if you encounter problems.

Thank you for your feedback.


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