El vie., 19 ago. 2016 a las 9:32, Philip Rinn (<ri...@inventati.org>)

> reassign 834751 libpng1.6
> retitle 834751 RawTherapee crashes with "libpng error: IDAT: invalid
> distance too far back"
> thanks
> Hi Mateu,
> I can not reproduce this bug. Actually it seems to be a bug in libpng, see
> https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=175656
> It might be that you have a corrupt png in the folder rawtherapee tries to
> load at startup.

Finally the problem was what you said. The problem was some image at
~/Photos. Moved all to a folder and rawtherapee just works.

> Did you actually delete the directories ~/.cache/RawTherapee and
> ~/.config/RawTherapee (I'm not sure it that is what you meany by "purged
> the config files")

Yes, sorry. I deleted both folders.

> Best,
> Philip

 I apologize for the inconvenience and thanks for your time.

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