On Sat, 27 Aug 2016, Muammar El Khatib wrote:
> I have now updated README.Debian.

I see you added this:

        Depends: ..., pavucontrol, pulseaudio-utils, pulseaudio

but pulseaudio-utils isn't needed, as it is on the pulseaudio
dependency list.

In README.md, it might be a good idea to mention pavucontrol under
Requirements:, Linux.

> Yes, it assumes that pulseaudio is installed on the host.

Right.  Now that pulseaudio is a dependency makes mkchromecast not
installable on most of my systems, where pulseaudio is a no-no.

> I may try to find another way for capturing the audio from alsa. But
> in this sense, I am afraid mkchromecast would work as it does in
> macOS where all system sound is casted. But let's give it a try.

That will certainly be useful, in my case.
I'm guessing here, as I lack deep knowledge, but gstreamer might be
another alternative.  It's dealing with sinks too.  See:

        gstreamer1.0-alsa - GStreamer plugin for ALSA
        gstreamer1.0-pulseaudio - GStreamer plugin for PulseAudio



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