Heyho Antoine,

wow, what a blast from the past.

Antoine Beaupré wrote:
> On 2013-09-15 15:28:23, Markus Teich wrote:
> > I have 'interactive' set in my gpg.conf.
> ...why?

I don't know, why I had it, but I just checked and apparently I disabled it
sometime in the last 3 years.

> GPG rarely writes any files itself.. why do you have that option hardcoded in
> gpg.conf? It is not in the sample gpg.conf file I have in my home directory.

Well, even though it seems not to be a useful option, users might still have
enabled it (like I did).

> > This leads to monkeysign failing to import the key, that should be signed.
> I'm really curious to hear more about how it fails - I can't think of
> anywhere we make gpg write files...
> Can you provide an error message or a backtrace, or a full run with `--debug`?

I don't even have the system anymore, where I found this bug, but it probably
was a Debian wheezy system. In case you want to reproduce it, just assume
defaults appart from the "interactive" line in gpg.conf.

> > When i disable interactive mode in gpg.conf, monkeysign works as intended.
> > A possible solution may be to remove the interactive setting from the 
> > temporary
> > keyrings configuration on initialization.
> I would rather not have to start messing around parsing (and
> rewriting!!) gpg.conf, to be honest. In #721599, there was a discussion
> on how to *read* options in a relatively portable way:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=721599#71
> ... but *writing* to that file is more complicated. As far as I know,
> gpg doesn't garantee that the file format will not change and usually
> encourages people to not mess around the data structures in the back
> like this.

The right fix would be to open an issue with gpg to introduce a --no-interactive
switch which you could then use to override the gpg.conf option I think. If
you're actually doing this, you could also try to rename this misleading option
in the same patch. ;)

> I am tempted to mark this as "wontfix" because it's such an odd configuration
> for me, but I could be convinced otherwise!

I would not mind at all since I don't use monkeysign. I don't even remember what
was missing or if it just was this bug that kept me from using it. Hell I don't
know if the bug is still occuring after 3 years.

> Thanks for your bug report...

Well, no problem I guess... :)


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