On Tuesday, September 06 2016, Vincent Lefevre wrote:

> On 2016-09-06 17:07:07 -0400, Sergio Durigan Junior wrote:
>> What Desktop Environment are you using?
> I do not use any desktop environment (just fvwm as my window manager).
> If I use "xdg-mime query filetype ...", I get text/html. So, this
> does not explain Midori's behavior.

I also get text/html.

> In the strace output, I can see that
>   ~/.local/share/mime/application/x-extension-html.xml
> is opened. It contains:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mime-type xmlns="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info"; 
> type="application/x-extension-html">
>   <!--Created automatically by update-mime-database. DO NOT EDIT!-->
>   <comment>html document</comment>
>   <glob pattern="*.html"/>
> </mime-type>
> So, this comes from the shared-mime-info package.

This is strange.  I do not have this file, and I have the
shared-mime-info package installed.  I wonder where this file came from
(i.e., which package actually triggered update-mime-database).
Unfortunately you won't be able to use 'dpkg-query -S' on it.  I tried
searching on codesearch.d.n to see if any package installed this file,
but couldn't find anything.

I tried to create this file on my $HOME, but I still can't reproduce the
bug.  Can you please try to temporarily remove the file and see if it
fixes the problem?

> I wonder why type="application/x-extension-html" and not
> type="text/html", but ideally, the real MIME type should be
> obtained by sniffing, not by using the extension. Perhaps it
> is the intent of the generic application/x-extension-html?

Right, I don't know too.

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