
increasing the partition size fixes this error:
$ df -h
Dateisystem    Größe Benutzt Verf. Verw% Eingehängt auf
/dev/sda1        12G    3,9G  7,3G   35% /

$ systemctl status systemd-journald
systemd-journal[950]: Permanent journal is using 504.1M (max allowed 750.0M, 
trying to leave 50.0M free of 7.2G available → current limit 750.0M).

Now we know that this error only appears when the filesystem is nearly full.

As I read the docs (man journald.conf) again it doesn't seem to be clear 
whether I should have set RuntimeMaxUse= and RuntimeKeepFree= too to let 
systemd-journald use all space until only 50M is free. This could be the cause 
of the weird behavior but additional tests would be needed to confirm that. 
(And the docs should be changed and written more clearly if that were the 


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