It works for me.

Best regards,


On 09/22/2016 01:46 PM, Rene Engelhard wrote:
tag 838549 + moreinfo
tag 838418 + moreinfo

[ also CCing #838418. maybe the same reason? ]


On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 10:45:45AM +0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 10:34:49AM +0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 09:50:33AM +0200, Rene Engelhard wrote:
  more important, I was no longer able to export in PDF.
Exporting to PDF, when not crashing the application, produces a file
with garbage random characters.
That needs to be tried...
Just tried it in a clean sid chroot + LO + libreoffice-gnome (which installs
also -gtk3)

New document, "Test", export to PDF. Indeed I get something looking like 
"dfiffjfk" :(

As counter-check: works with -gtk2...

Let's use this bug for this, the (probably) only thing which makes sense in this
More tests: After a downgrade to libbgtk-3-0 3.20.9-1 it works again. So one 
bug introduced by the Gtk update, which also means that your Version: field was 
to begin with as it's not new in 5.2.1-3...
We discussed this on IRC today:

10:17 < _rene_> caolan: new churns of "gtk3 is broken!!!!1111one" coming in.
                 ( is
                 basically not useful.)
10:17 < loircbot> LibreOffice (core) noel.grandin *
                   sc/source/core/tool/charthelper.cxx: tdf#101894 Copying a
                   single sheet with a chart on it garbles the chart
10:20 -!- JoNi
           has joined #libreoffice-dev
10:21 -!- aruiz [~aruiz@] has joined #libreoffice-dev
10:22 <@caolan> _rene_: and do you have
27a968afb36b77e447dd623bbe81ea542f0 applied ?
0:22 < IZBot> core - Resolves: rhbz#1373933 gtk 3.21 emits a lot more
                "style-set" signals
10:22 -!- willcooke [~willcooke@ubuntu/member/willcooke] has quit [Remote host
           closed the connection]
10:23 <@caolan> _rene_: also, that reminds me, I think you mentioned some deb
                 bug about the libreoffice icons not correct under gnome ?
        for the
                 upstream fix for that if so
10:24 < _rene_> caolan: yep, that was the point if 5.2.1-3
10:24 < _rene_> 2c91b27a968afb36b77e447dd623bbe81ea542f0 I mean
10:24 < IZBot> core - Resolves: rhbz#1373933 gtk 3.21 emits a lot more
                "style-set" signals -
10:25 <@caolan> then its an unknown problem
10:25 <@caolan> "I tried reverting to libgtk-3-0_3.20.9-1_amd64.deb and it made
                 no difference" makes it sound unrelated to the style-set thing
10:26 <@caolan> I got 3.20.9 here and I'm as happy as a clam
10:26 -!- xrmx [~rm@] has joined #libreoffice-dev
10:26 -!- xrmx [~rm@] has quit [Changing host]
10:26 < _rene_> yeah, I just asked him to go sure
10:26 < _rene_> the problem is, we do have 3.21/3.22 in testing/unstable.
10:34 <@caolan> _rene_: this is good I guess, you can try a gtk3 downgrade to
                 isolate if that's the trigger or not ?
10:41 < _rene_> caolan: after downgrade it works
10:44 <@caolan> _rene_: when you saw the problem with pdf export, where did you
                 see it, in the pdf export dialog itself, or the outputted pdf ?
10:44 < _rene_> caolan: the outputted PDF. entered Test in a odt, export, got
                 something looking like "dfiffjfk"
10:44 < buovjaga> some deeper philosophy, do we close this as wontfix for now?
10:44 < IZBot> LibreOffice-framework normal/medium UNCONFIRMED all operations
                of one Libreoffice application are quued one-thread
10:45 <@caolan> let me upgrade to gtk3 and check that out locally
10:46  * _rene_ updates the bug
10:56 <@caolan> _rene_: no problem for me on F24 if I upgrade to rawhide
                 gtk3-3.22.0 and export to pdf (even if I revert the style-set
                 patch) so I got nothing useful
10:57 -!- lplatypus [~chatzilla@] has joined #libreoffice-dev
10:57 < _rene_> hrmpf.
10:59 < _rene_> hrm, now it worked here, too? wtf?
10:59 <@caolan> this is not the bug you are looking for
10:59  * caolan waves hand mystically
10:59 < _rene_> ah, no, wait
10:59 < _rene_> -rw-r--r--  1 root root 6263 Sep 22 08:58 Test.pdf
10:59 < _rene_> too old :)
11:34 < _rene_> caolan: rechecked again, timestamp was confusing. it's as I
                 said, 3.20 works, 3.22 not...
11:37 <@caolan> _rene_: I just downloaded
 and the patch there no exactly the one that is in 5-2, its an
                 earlier revision
11:37 < quikee> tml_: they are still removing systemd
11:38 < _rene_> caolan: I added it from master
11:38 < _rene_> caolan: from your post here. hmm.
11:34 < _rene_> caolan: rechecked again, timestamp was confusing. it's as I 
said, 3.20 works, 3.22 not...
11:34 -!- JohnW71 [] has left 
#libreoffice-dev ["Leaving"]
11:35 < _rene_> bubli: ah
11:36 -!- iplaw67 [] 
has joined #libreoffice-dev
11:36  * tml_ wonders how devuan is holding up
11:36 < bubli> _rene_: So I'll just go w/ lintian overrides, the error and 
warning I see are (according to what that bug says) false positives
11:37 <@caolan> _rene_: I just downloaded
 and the patch there no exactly
                 the one that is in 5-2, its an earlier revision
11:37 < quikee> tml_: they are still removing systemd
11:38 < _rene_> caolan: I added it from master
11:38 < _rene_> caolan: from your post here. hmm.
11:38 <@caolan> ah, met me find the follow up one which trashes the fonts far 
less often
11:39 <@caolan> let me
11:39 -!- danielnl [] has quit [Remote host 
closed the connection]
11:39 < _rene_> that one I have already, but not uploaded
11:39 < _rene_> is there more changes?
11:39 <@caolan> _rene_: try adding 29c55564070aa1fa7846448a6ca90fe47c38bd0a
11:39 < IZBot> core - Related: rhbz#1373933 gtk3 emits a lot of style-updateds 
signals -
11:39 < _rene_> but that second patch is only also speedup, not corrupting 
stuff in the UI/export, no?
11:40 < _rene_> s/not/not against/
11:40 <@caolan> there's probably still an underlying unfixed bug but quite 
possibly not discarding all fonts and refetching them the whole time would avoid it
11:41 < _rene_> mmh, ok, so I'll try with
 then :)
11:41 < bubli> 333+3.
11:42 <@caolan> yeah, maybe it'll make a difference. Either it does or doesn't 
help, either way is useful inf
11:42 <@caolan> info
11:42 < bubli> That wasn't LibreBaby, that was coffee on my (numeric) keyboard 
and /me cleaning it
11:43 < _rene_> caolan: I have a 5.2.2 rc2 build with that running right now, 
will tell you later.
13:15 < _rene_> caolan: *seems* to fix it, but then again I had some attempts
                 with the old one procuding a correct PDF, too. the "sometimes
                 happens, sometimes not" things suck ;-(

Does it work for you with the 5.2.2 packages from


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