On Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 11:23:56PM +0200, Guillem Jover wrote:
> Control: tags -1 moreinfo
> On Sun, 2016-09-25 at 16:46:56 -0700, Elliott Mitchell wrote:
> > Package: dpkg
> > Version: 1.17.27
> > When installing packages which *only* have files in /usr, I generally
> > try to leave / read-only.  With the recent release of `dpkg` though this
> > has become problematic.
> Do you mean that it used to work, and it does not anymore. In which
> case, what versions?

Anything 1.16.18 (oldstable) or earlier didn't exhibit this behavior.

> > >From the error message, during unpacking `dpkg` is trying to create a
> > file/directory as /usr.dpkg-tmp, which fails if / is read-only.  This
> > could actually cause some problems.  Notably if `dpkg` is doing this to
> > check whether the filesystem has sufficient free space, this check *WILL*
> > fail since / and /usr could well be different filesystems.  This could
> > also cause trouble if /usr.dpkg-tmp is large and / has limited free
> > space.
> This should not happen for pre-existing directories, and dpkg should
> skip those. The actual error message would be helpful here. Also the
> debug output from using -D113 would also be helpful.

Sigh, really should have grabbed the full error.  Mentioned a failure
trying to do some operation on /usr.<something> and "read-only
filesystem" (/usr was read-write, / was read-only).  Remounting /
read-write gets past the error, but I dislike that.  Since the package
had no files outside of /usr, this really shouldn't occur.

> > I'm unsure how to rate the severity of this issue.  This is distinctly
> > annoying and can trigger warning flags, but I suppose in many cases it
> > won't cause problems for people.  Folks who always remount / read-write
> > when upgrading packages may well not notice, but those of use who pay a
> > bit more attention do notice.
> I'm actually very surprised by this bug report, because something
> related was fixed in dpkg 1.17.14, so the version you are reporting
> against should actually behave better for your use case:
>   * Never try to remove the root directory or its backups. There's no point in
>     it, and makes life more difficult for a read-only root with a read-write
>     overlay or a symlink farm. Requested by sepero...@gmx.com.

This isn't about the removal of something, this is about creating an
unneeded extra file/directory outside of where any files should be
being created.  This file/directory is removed afterwords, but writing
outside bothers me.

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