> # fstrim -v /media/my_data
> /media/my_data/: 104,2 GiB (111868387328 bytes) trimmed
> # fstrim -v /media/my_data
> /media/my_data/: 104,2 GiB (111868387328 bytes) trimmed
> Given that the current version of the ntfs-3g driver
> supports trimming, and given that fstrim ran twice, I
> expect that the second command reports "0 B (0 bytes)
> trimmed", contrary to the above.

This does not mean fstrim not to work, it means the
trimming was done twice. ntfs-3g does not keep track
of the clusters which were not written since the last
trimming and all unused clusters are trimmed.

Note that the fstrim manual states "By default, fstrim
will discard all unused blocks in the filesystem."

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