Control: tags -1 confirmed
Control: tags -1 wontfix
Control: forwarded -1

* Francesco Potortì <> [2016-09-28 10:39]:

Control: tags - confirmed

Indeed, Octave crashes on amd64 when SHA1 is involved. However, it works on i386:

octave:2> SHA1(1) ans =

  191   139    69    48   216   210    70   221   116   172    83   161    52   
113   187   161   121    65   223   247

This difference in behavior between i386 and amd64 is perhaps related to the different sizeof(long) in both architectures.

I think that this is not a Debian-specific problem.

Ok, I filed a report on Savannah.

Thanks. You have probably seen the comments posted on the Savannah bug page:

Andreas Weber: "Confirmed. Just a note: The 4.2 release of Octave includes a new function 'hash' which is also capable of calculating SHA1"

Mike Miller: "Yeah I guess that this SHA1 function in general is a candidate for dropping from the package rather than fixing once 4.2 is released."

I am hereby tagging this bug report "wontfix", accordingly.


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