On Sunday, 2 October 2016 16:18:38 CEST you wrote:
> Both
> % cme modify dpkg-control 'source Uploaders:.insort("María Prueba
> <m...@example.org>")'
> and
> % perl -MConfig::Model=cme -e 'cme("dpkg-control")->modify("source
> Uploaders:.insort(\"María Prueba <m\@example.org>\")");'
> result in a broken 'í', which gets mangled into 'Ã', probably because
> perl's default encoding is still latin1.

You're right.

According to perlrun(1), you can run also cme this way :
$ perl -C A -S cme modify dpkg-control '...'

I'll tweak cme upstream to assume that @ARGV is utf8. I'll assume that 
everybody use utf8 (even outside of Debian) until a bug report proves me 

There's nothing I can do with the 2nd form you propose. Even with a one-liner, 
you writing a script and you have to inform perl that you are using utf8 in 
the script. I see no other way that the one you found:

> The following works for me:
> % perl -Mutf8 -MConfig::Model=cme -e 'cme("dpkg-control")->modify("source
> Uploaders:.insort(\"María Prueba <m\@example.org>\")");'
> (also with utf8::all but apparently utf8 is enough).

All the best

 https://github.com/dod38fr/   -o- http://search.cpan.org/~ddumont/
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