An updated package of 2.2 is in the works for sid, and I'm planning
to propose a trivial build-time revision to the 2.0 package suitable
for stable-proposed-updates.

The expanded correlation data format in 2.0 came about as a result
of an earlier change in NWS/NOAA's content hosting, and was aimed at
making it easier for users to work around future disruption on that
scale. The simplest workaround is to either add a section like:

  setpath = ~/.weather a ~/.weather/weatherrc file or apt-get purge
weather-util-data, and then create or copy updated correlation data
into your custom setpath, for example:

  mkdir -p ~/.weather
  wget -P $HOME/.weather/{airports,places,stations,zctas,zones}

After that, weather commands should use your newer correlation data
(note that due to a separate bug fixed in 2.2, you need to either
remove the weather-util-data package or override setpath as above
since the setpath precedence ordering isn't done correctly in 2.1
and earlier).

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