Dear Ian,

On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 01:28:14AM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> All I saw in your commit message was the rewrapping.  But now I look
> at it again there is an additional blank line too.
> The rewrapping replaces the semantic newlines (which I used when I
> rewrote that paragraph) with what looks like the result of an
> automatic wordwrap algorithm.

Yes, just my habit of hitting M-q in Emacs.

Are the semantic newlines for the benefit of someone editing the .pod,
or for the benefit of a future natural-language parsing computer?  I
think I see what you did, but I don't yet see the benefit.

I think it would be best if you just made a commit on your master branch
just adding a new line.  I can prepare a patch if you really want...

Sean Whitton

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