So in summary, the maintainer has:

 * Not packaged the new upstream version due to concerns about a
   feature which is not present in the current Debian version and
   which could therefore be removed from a new-upstream-version upload
   without causing a regression in Debian;

 * Explicitly and repeatedly blocked other people who wanted to do the
   work to upload the new version (possibly with the troublesome
   feature removed);

 * Failed to engage positively with all of the many people who have
   enquired about the question;

 * Specifically, failed to give clear and constructive directions to
   those willing to do the work;

The above have been carrying on for many many years.  There has been
no upload for six years.  Most recently:

 * The maintainer has completely ignored a bug filed in March where
   sseveral people request an update and where it is obvious that
   no-one really understands the problem.

It is not necessary to decide whether the CGI feature should be
disabled, or should ideally be fixed.  It is in fact not necessary to
make any difficult technical analyses to conclude that the maintainer
has made a massive net negative contribution to this package.  They
have done this solely by virtue of their position as the Debian
maintainer.  The maintainer has abused the maintainer's gatekeeper

There are people ready and willing to do the work, who are currently
blocked.  Giving this package to a new maintainer is a no-brainer.

If the TC will not depose a maintainer in circumstances like these,
what will it take ?

Please do not come to a "negotiated settlement" which leaves the
current maintainer in charge.  The effect of that is that all the
constructive and useful people will be subject to the arbitrary whims
of the the current maintainer.

If the TC's decision, in such a clear case of abuse of power, is to
leave the problem maintainer in charge, that is a decision to allow
that person to continue to block people if they feel like it.

With the TC's current attitude, it takes desperation (as well as
determination and courage) to take a matter like this to the TC.  If
you have anything left to lose, taking this kind of dispute to the TC
is a very risky step: the TC is not likely to get rid of a despot, and
despots do not react well to challenges to their authority.  So the
petitioner (who probably cares about the package) is still under the
maintainer's thumb, but they have annoyed the maintainer.

Please would the TC prove me wrong.  (For a change.)

(quite frustrated)

Ian Jackson <>   These opinions are my own.

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