Control: tags -1 confirmed

On 27/10/16 20:10, Bas Couwenberg wrote:
> Package:
> Severity: normal
> User:
> Usertags: transition
> Dear Release Team,
> For the Debian GIS team I'd like to transition to GDAL 2.1.2.
> Like the previous transition to GDAL 2.1.1 (#830966), there is no SONAME
> bump, only the virtual ABI package changed to account for the C++ symbol
> changes.
> All reverse dependencies rebuilt successfully with GDAL 2.1.2 from
> experimental as summarized below, except mysql-workbench whose build
> dependencies are not installable (#840786), but it's not in testing due
> to (#839356).
> libgdal-grass doesn't need a binNMU as the 2.1.2 version will be
> uploaded to unstable instead. liblas likewise doesn't need a binNMU,
> the version is experimental will be moved to unstable instead.
> Please also binNMU osgearth in experimental as part of the transition.
> Ben file:
> title = "gdal";
> is_affected = .depends ~ /gdal-abi-2-1-[12]/
> is_good = .depends ~ "gdal-abi-2-1-2";
> is_bad = .depends ~ "gdal-abi-2-1-1";
> Transition: gdal
>  libgdal20 (2.1.1+dfsg-5) -> libgdal20 (2.1.2+dfsg-1~exp1)
>  gdal-abi-2-1-1           -> gdal-abi-2-1-2
> The status of the most recent rebuilds is as follows.
>  dans-gdal-scripts  (0.23-6)                           OK
>  fiona              (1.7.0.post2-1)                    OK
>  gazebo             (7.3.1+dfsg-1)                     OK
>  gmt                (5.2.1+dfsg-7)                     SKIP (no C++)
>  imposm             (2.6.0+ds-3)                       SKIP (no C++)
>  libcitygml         (2.0-3)                            OK
>  liblas             (1.8.1-2 / 1.8.1-3~exp1)           OK / OK
>  libosmium          (2.9.0-2)                          SKIP (no C++)
>  mapcache           (1.4.1-3)                          SKIP (no C++)
>  mapnik             (3.0.12+ds-1)                      OK
>  mapproxy           (1.9.0-3)                          SKIP (no C++)
>  mapserver          (7.0.2-1)                          SKIP (no C++)
>  merkaartor         (0.18.3+ds-1)                      OK
>  mysql-workbench    (6.3.4+dfsg-3)                     BD-UNINST / FTBFS
>  ncl                (6.3.0-11)                         SKIP (no C++)
>  node-srs           (0.4.8+dfsg-2)                     OK
>  octave-mapping     (1.2.1-1)                          OK
>  openscenegraph     (3.2.3+dfsg1-2)                    OK
>  osmium             (0.0~20160425-e2e4368-2)           SKIP (no C++)
>  pdal               (1.3.0-1)                          OK
>  postgis            (2.3.0+dfsg-3)                     SKIP (no C++)
>  pprepair           (0.0~20160321-87ffae5-1)           OK
>  prepair            (0.7-6)                            OK
>  qlandkartegt       (1.8.1+ds-7)                       OK
>  qmapshack          (1.7.1-1)                          OK
>  rasterio           (0.36.0-1)                         OK
>  saga               (2.3.1+dfsg-2)                     OK
>  sumo               (0.27.1+dfsg1-1)                   OK
>  thuban             (1.2.2-11)                         OK
>  vtk6               (6.3.0+dfsg1-2)                    OK
>  xastir             (2.0.8-2)                          SKIP (no C++)
>  grass              (7.0.5-2)                          SKIP (no C++)
>  openscenegraph-3.4 (3.4.0+dfsg1-4)                    OK
>  osgearth           (2.7.0+dfsg-2 / 2.8.0+dfsg-1~exp1) OK / OK
>  osmcoastline       (2.1.4-1)                          OK
>  otb                (5.6.1+dfsg-1)                     OK
>  pktools            (2.6.7-2)                          OK
>  pyosmium           (2.9.0-1)                          SKIP (no C++)
>  libgdal-grass      (2.1.1-3 / 2.1.2-1~exp1)           FTBFS / OK
>  qgis               (2.14.8+dfsg-1)                    OK
> Kind Regards,
> Bas

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